Benefits Doing Business in Georgia, Tbilisi
Fast 1 business day company registration or individual entrepreneurship. Minimal administration. Fast functioning company registration authority. English and Georgian Society Certificates and Documents. Tax transparent environment. Electronic tax administration.
1 day express company registration
Express registration of a company or Individual Entrepreneurship on working days is available in 1 day (for an additional fee).
6th and 12th rank on Index of Economic Freedom
2020 Index of Economic freedom by the Heritage Foundation - Georgia is 12th in the World and 6th in Europe.
14 Preferential Trade Agreements
Georgia has 14 preferential trade agreements in force. The trade-weighted average tariff rate is 1.7 percent, and 67 nontariff measures are in effect.
9th position in Ease of Doing Business by World Bank
Based on Ease of Doing Business report by World Bank Georgia is on 9th position in Top Ten countries worldwide for Ease of Doing Business.
2nd ranks in Investor Protection by FORBES
Based on Best Countries for Business 2022 Georgia ranks on 2nd postion in Investor Protection.
Apostilization available
All corporate documents (Certificates, Charter, ...) can be apostiled as Georgia is members of the Hague Convention.